
Eastmont School District
The Eastmont School District encompasses approximately 150 square miles in Douglas County. The District currently enrolls over 6,000 students in grades P-12. Students are housed in nine buildings; five elementary schools, two intermediate schools, one junior high school, and one high school.
The community supported a facility improvement bond in 2010 which brought $74 million to our district, significantly remodeling Grant Elementary School, Sterling Intermediate School, and Eastmont High School. In 2016, the District was successful in obtaining a $10,000,000 grant that combined with a community supported capital levy will reduce K-3 classrooms with the addition of 20 classrooms, construct a new transportation center, and do other Districtwide improvements.
The District employs over 400 certificated and 350 classified personnel and has minimal employee turnover. A wide variety of programs are offered for all students including CTE/Vocational, extracurricular, music, fine art, STEM, second language, alternative learning, remedial, on-line, AP, college in the classroom, gifted and talented, and other student specific alternative and advanced programs.
The Mission of the Eastmont School District is to maximize the potential of all students by providing:
- Relationships that support a safe and secure learning environment for students and staff.
- Relevance in education experiences that meet the needs of students, parents, and community.
- Rigor by having expectations that require students to develop and demonstrate academic excellence,
- Results that are used to improve and support student and employee success.

Wenatchee School District
Wenatchee School District is committed to personalized learning and preparing students with the knowledge and skills for life in the 21st Century. The district has seven elementary schools, three middle schools, a 4A high school, an alternative high school, and a skills center. With 7,800 students and 540 teachers, the District emphasizes high expectations and academic achievement, partnerships with the community and parents, respect for students’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds, all clearly supporting the educational success of all students. Wenatchee School District 235 Sunset Avenue Wenatchee, Washington 98801 (509) 663-8161

Wenatchee Valley College
Wenatchee Valley College is a comprehensive community college serving North Central Washington and students seeking a two-year liberal arts and sciences degree for transfer, those seeking a degree or specific job skills in a variety of technical and professional areas, those seeking to improve basic skills in reading, mathematics, writing, English as a second language, and those seeking to improve professional or personal skills through continuing education.
High school students can take classes at WVC for college and high school credit through the statewide Running Start program or receive technical training and work experience through the Tech Prep program.
WVC has a very active community and professional development department that offers a variety of personal and professional enrichment programs for those who wish to learn new skills or improve existing skills. WVC is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs, National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences, and National Technicians Education Foundation.
Vocational Training
Wenatchee Valley Tech is one of ten technical skills centers across Washington State, providing preparatory career and technical training for area high school students, including .5 to 4.0 high school graduation credits, Direct Transcription Credit and Advance Placement in college programs, and National/State Industry Certification and Licenses. For more information about the Skills Center, call (509) 662-8827. Wenatchee Valley College also offers vocational training programs.

Central Washington University – Wenatchee
CWU-Wenatchee is located at Wenatchee Valley College in Wenatchee, Washington. This partnership provides the opportunity for students to earn their first two years of a bachelor’s degree at Wenatchee Valley College and stay on campus to complete their bachelor’s degree at CWUWenatchee.