
North Central Washington Tech Alliance
The Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce is affiliated with the NCW Tech Alliance by cosponsoring technology meetings, events and seminars to ensure that the membership is kept abreast of the ever-changing technology issues that face the Valley. In addition, this group meets regularly, forming a technology cluster to offer members networking and support activities. For more information, visit the website at NCW Tech Alliance also hosts an online technology directory of over 600 technology-related businesses and entrepreneurial resources in the Chelan, Douglas, Okanogan and Grant counties.
Confluence Technology Center – We Speak Geek at the CTC! For your next company gathering, whether a business meeting or social event, the CTC has the space and technology to accommodate. Whether you host a holiday party or a fun filled night of gaming to celebrate your victories, the CTC has everything you need to make you social event memorable. Business meetings are conducted with ease as the staff and technician are here to ensure your meeting will run smoothly. Conveniently located within the Olds Station Business Park at the confluence of the Wenatchee and Columbia Rivers, the CTC is an impressive multi-functional facility with unparalleled amenities:
- Videoconference and web meeting capabilities
- All meeting rooms feature LCD monitors, projectors and screens; plug-and-play podiums with computers, internet, DVD players, document cameras and touchscreen control panels; microphones including wireless, tabletop, podium, floor standing and handheld as well as audio collectors and assisted listening devices. There is integrated video with cameras and codecs, and video and Teleconference Bridge to reach out to the world.
- On-site technicians
- Custom room set-up for every meeting
- A fully equipped catering kitchen available for self-catering or any licensed caterer
To learn more about the CTC and how to book reservations, visit the website at or call (509) 661-3118 or on Facebook.
Power and Fiber Optics
Between the two counties you will benefit regarding utility costs as they are literally the cheapest in the nation thanks to our network of dams on the mighty Columbia.

Chelan County PUD
has built a fiber-optic network to most of Chelan County where many residents have access to the fastest connection anywhere in the world including: High-speed internet -- Speeds up to 1 Gbps (1,000 Mbps) Telephone service Basic and HDTV television All these services are available through local service providers where you can expect a high level of customer service at competitive prices.

Douglas County PUD
is one of more than 2,000 public power systems providing power on a not-for-profit basis in the United States. Not-for-profit means power is provided at the cost of producing and delivering that power. There are no stockholders expecting dividends from the power rates. If you are a resident of Douglas County, you control the PUD by electing the Commissioners who set policies and a manager to direct the operation of the utility. This provides local control over the utility and responsiveness to community needs. That means that electric utility revenues stay here, where they are invested in utility assets to provide needed service and hold prices down. In addition to providing you with reliable service at low rates, we at your Douglas County PUD help business and residential customers in our community prosper. Our community's best interests are at the heart of everything we do.